Sunday, January 4, 2009


December 30th I had my left side activated. A lot of echo but it's a start.
Went back the 2nd for recalibration and the echo had reduced some. Had some problems with the exterior processor cutting out. Had to take battery off and put back on to get it going again. It happend several times in a couple days. It happened at the calibration just as I was going to leave. Audiologists thinks the processor might be bad. I am using the backup and it has not had any problems and it sounds a lot different than the bad one so I will most likely get it replaced. Other than that it's the same routine. Wear it, let the ear adjust, then recalibrate it. It makes a difference having two rather than just one side.

Janurary is off to a snowy cold start here in Minnesota. We're on target to have more snow then we've had in a decade. Not looking forward to it.

Until next time


Thursday, December 25, 2008


Activation was rescheduled for dec 30th due to weather.

Merry Christmas

Friday, December 12, 2008


My activation date for my 2nd implant is december 23rd. So it's an early christmas present. I decided to get the same brand device(advanced bionics) but in a different color so I could tell the left from right ear without any problem .I have beige for the right ear and will get silver for the left ear. Hopefully this time I will be able to hear on the phone better than with the right ear. There was a lot more scar tissue this time and the surgery took almost 2 hours longer than normal. We'll find out the 23rd how things might work out for my left ear. Thanks for all the kind words and support. I'll post the same day on how things go.

Till then, have a safe holiday

DC aka Jim Cone

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Well, had the second implant put in Monday. Had to stay overnight per doctors orders. Now I'm back home and sitting around recuperating. No nausea this time around, but initially more pain. Go back for checkup in 3 weeks at surgons office then it's onto getting it turned on. Tried to use my current processor on my new proccessor but it didn't work so apparently it's turned off and needs to be turned on. Oh well!! I'm taking a week off of work to heal!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Been a while since I posted. Recently went through bankruptcy and moved from hobby farm into a small city closer to work. Settled in although I can't stand the city. But it was best financially.
I entered a hommade beer, a sweet stout, into a local homebrew contest and it took 2nd place in the stout division. First time I ever placed and only 2nd competition I ever entered so pretty cool. With the holidays coming up I made a pumpkin pie ale and it is ready to drink. Tastes awesome. Made more of the stout, and a mild ale, and have some Dandylion wine bottled and some elderberry wine in the fermentor so by the time I have my surgery I will have a good stock of "painkiller" on hand!
Surgery is set for monday Nov 24th with one day stay in hospital.
Meamwhile it's football and beer till then!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Just recieved word that implanting the other ear was ok'd by insurance company. So right now the surgury date is Nov 24th if it's not moved up sooner.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I started having problems with one of my processors a few days ago. It would cut out and come back on. Then it would cut out and stay off for a long time. Finally it just quit and wouldn't work anymore. Luckily it happened just before my last follow up with audiologist and she kept it and is sending it to advanced bionics and getting a replacement. I thought it was from sewating at work. No AC in plant and it gets very very humid there. She said that shouldn't bother it and there is something else going on so it can be replaced free. So for now I have one processor.