Sunday, January 4, 2009


December 30th I had my left side activated. A lot of echo but it's a start.
Went back the 2nd for recalibration and the echo had reduced some. Had some problems with the exterior processor cutting out. Had to take battery off and put back on to get it going again. It happend several times in a couple days. It happened at the calibration just as I was going to leave. Audiologists thinks the processor might be bad. I am using the backup and it has not had any problems and it sounds a lot different than the bad one so I will most likely get it replaced. Other than that it's the same routine. Wear it, let the ear adjust, then recalibrate it. It makes a difference having two rather than just one side.

Janurary is off to a snowy cold start here in Minnesota. We're on target to have more snow then we've had in a decade. Not looking forward to it.

Until next time


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