Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I went to the audi for some scheduled testing on tuesday. First test was a series of single sylable words I had to repeat back that a recorded voice said while I was in a soundproof booth. I scored about 42% on that. In 2005 when I took same test with hearing aid I scored 0%. Next test was same voice, saying a series of sentences. I scored 63% on that. 2005 0%. Lat test was different males voice, a series of sentences, but said "Ready" before each sentence and talked a little slower I scored 98% on that, and 0% in 2005. Pretty good. So to better understand what's being said i'm telling everyone I know that when they talk to me thay have to say "Ready" before each new sentence they say. LOL.
Last visit I has the fidelity 120 program activated with mixed results.
Things sound more normal but my comprehension suffered a little. Using the cell phon I actually heard better from the program before the 120 was activated so I had the audi put the pre 120 program back on one position for me to use for telephone use. So now I don't go back until July for final testing.
I'm busy moving into a different city so things are hectic right now. closer to work and will save some in gas which is getting insane price wise.
Still not sure about doing the other ear. Mainly depends on insurance approving it and then whether I want to go through it again. Undecided at this point.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Homebrew post

Here's a picture of an IrishRed Ale beer, on the left, and a Plum Wine on the right. The wine has been fermenting a week and the beer one day.
The beer will be ready to drink in a couple weeks, the wine wil ltake several months at least.

Below is a short video of an irish red ale I have fermenting.
This is yeast action only. No stirring, no heat just good old fashioned fermentation action.